Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Pancake Saga Part VII

In the last post I mentioned finding my starter pot in the RV last weekend and the potential of using it to start a new countertop starter.  Well, I did it on Tuesday and by this morning it proved to be successful.  The pot was definitely smelling sourdoughy.

This morning I took the countertop starter, pulled off what I needed, and made some flapjacks.  My wife says they were the best I've done which is great but they're still not up to snuff for Sourdough Sam's.  They had good sourdough flavor but weren't quite strong enough.

Next week I'll incubate it overnight in the oven with the light on and that should do the job.  We'll see.


  1. Found instructions on making a proofing box. It sounds like you may need to do that. I did some reading on sourdough starters & it suggested that they want to be kept between 60* and 80* depending on strain to be truly happy campers. I'm guessing the house and even the oven are a bit too cool for them to be happy. The other option I saw was an incubator thermostat like is used for chicks. Anyway, wanted to pass this along too.

  2. Actually, Helen, the oven gets amazingly warm with the light on. I'll put a thermometer in there to see just how warm. Our house is definitely too cool most of the time.

    1. I have had the light on for several hours this morning working on drying some cranberries the old fashioned way. Putting a thermometer in there on the cookie sheet and letting it come up to temperature, it reads about 85 degrees.
